December 23, 2015 / admin
We're too often encounter New Yorkers who try to do it them selves, kudos, good on ya! More often than not they end up calling us in frustration after they've tried to tackle the lock project and failed miserably.The common way in which we find the average person is in hives on the floor in the fiddle position when all lock parts and screws are on the floor in a pile of mess.
It's very important to know and acknowledge our own limitations, installing a lock or repairing an ignition switch on your car ( or programing a vehicle key for that matter ) isn't exactly brain surgery, nonetheless you need an extensive knowledge of the system you're working on, not to mention the right set of tools and some technical competency.
Let's face it, you probably wouldn't try and solve your own medical issue, or diagnose and fix your electrical issues by googling it, or by watching a youtube "expert" take on the subject with a short "do it yourself" tutorial.
So why do you try and solve your security and locksmith problems on your own ?
Call a professional, certified and licensed locksmith who will get the job done right the first time every time with the peace of mind of a warranted job ( parts and labor should both be included in the warranty ).
At Metro NYC Locksmith we'll always do the job for less and make sure it's done right and for a fair price.
I'm a skydiver amongst other things ( yes, I jump out of a perfectly good airplane ) and I only pack my own main canopy ( parachute ), I'm neither certified nor have the knowledge and ability to pack and inspect my reserve parachute, the reserve canopy may be inspected and packed by a certified professional rigger only.

(main canopy).
In the same way that I trust my rigger ( with my life Wepa ) to get the job done for me, you should trust your local locksmith (Follow us on Yelp.) professional to get the job done for you and solve your security problems.
Let us be your local New York City locksmiths, I promise, you won't regret it.
(646) 450-6320
December 22, 2015 / admin
As a locksmith in New York City, I get asked a specific question a lot - "is my lock safe enough?"Well, most of the time the answer is "NO!"
Some people ask for a demonstration of skill in which I immediately show them how long it would take me to unlock their door by picking the lock or by a shimmy with a credit card, a bottle of water or my personal favorite, a subway card.
New Yorkers are always shocked at how easy and how quickly it was to pick the lock, but some folks just have to see with their own eyes (New Yorkers always have doubts they'll never just take your word for it).

Yep, it's that easy!
Always surprised, the customers ask me which lock is the best.
I always recommend the type of lock I've got on my door - a Mul-T-Lock. It is simply the best lock in the market today.
I wouldn't try and sell an expensive lock to our costumers just because it's expensive. In this company, we sell locks that are on our apartment doors and on our business doors because we would only use the best. Period!
So don't get hacked for fake knockoffs of high security brands and always demand Mul-T-Lock.
Metro NYC Locksmith.
December 18, 2015 / admin
Imagine you're traveling in your car on the NY thruway heading north out of the city going upstate for the weekend.No worries just the open road, trees and sunshine.
You make a quick pit stop for gas and some snacks and BOOM you realize you've lost your car keys ( and its's a rental on top of everything else ), now what ??? you're stranded on the side of the road ( or the side of the gas pump ), panicking, you're slowly but surly begin to realize that this short pit stop is about to get much longer and much more expensive than you've originally planned.
Sure enough you've stopped crying and decided to take your own future, and weekend in your own hands ( good on ya! ) you reach in your pocket, grab your phone and login to google or yelp, you search for a roadside assistance locksmith company that serves the greater NY area and operates 24/7.
After calling a bunch of companies you're getting a little frustrated because some of them don't pickup their phones and others can't make your car key because lets face it your new rental ain't exactly the easiest car key to make.
Luckily you've stumbled upon metro locksmith's auto locksmith and roadside assistance website.
We are able to come over, cut and program you a new smart key or transponder key ( more than one if you wish ), on the spot and have you smiling and on you're way within an hour or so ( depending on location and distance from the city ).
So don't be that guy ( or girl ) get a spare key to your car before its too late, if it's a rental make sure you're covered by the company's roadside assistance or store our number (646) 450-6320 or your favorite competent locksmith provider.
June 27, 2014 / admin
Some of the Top Service Pointers For Customers Seeking A Safe Locksmith NYC:Are Safes A Thing of the Past?
Some might consider safes as antiquated relics best appreciated as movie props in an old movie Western bank heist scene, but business owners and home owners are increasingly realizing the very valuable utility of safe hardware in helping to secure business assets on-site at the office or work site or personal possessions at home.
A safe locksmith NYC can help you make great product choices from a wide variety of the most modern up to date and technologically advanced safe offerings out there.
Deciding What to Do With an Old Safe:
Home or business owners moving into an office or home location that was previously occupied sometimes encounter pre-existing on-site hardware such as safes. The decision sometimes becomes whether an older safe can be useful by staying on-site or if it needs to be removed, sold or scrapped. Finding a reliable and reputable safe locksmith NYC is a smart choice in helping you as a business or home owner decide what best to do with hardware on-site that you’ve ‘inherited.”

Reprogramming of Electronic Lock Safes:
A professional safe locksmith NYC will be able to help you get an electronic safe back into service if a lock is malfunction or the code information has been lost or compromised. Unlike older safes that rely on pre-set and calibrated tumbler systems (the combination they are made with is what you are stuck with), many models of electronic safe locks offer the owners the option to have a safe locksmith NYC reprogram them for a continued, long life of service, no matter what the situation.
Deciding Where to Put a Safe Is Important:
Home and business owners alike often choose to have their safes located in a secreted or disguised (at the very least non-obvious) location in order to add an extra level of security and hindrance to would-be burglars. A professional and reliable safe locksmith NYC can provide on-site consultation services to professional assess any architectural space in order to make the best choice that balances secrecy along with the utility needs of access and ease of use.

Read More - Safe Locksmith NYC - METRO
June 17, 2014 / admin
AAA Announces Surprisingly High Statistic On Number of Stranded Drivers to be Rescued During the Holidays. Large Number of Drivers expected to be in “Lost Car Key No Spare” Situations:With the summer holiday driving season now in full swing since Mother’s Day and Memorial Day and leading into the upcoming Father’s Day and the July 4th holiday weekends, AAA expects they will help some 10 million stranded motorists over the summer season. Even more surprising is that AAA expects a large number (almost 100,000) of motorists will require assistance due to having a “lost car key no spare” situation on their hands. In addition to helping these drivers dealing with such a “self-inflicted” problem as key loss, the motor club will be helping thousands with battery replacements, flat tires, and on the spot jump starting emergencies and towing assistance ranging from stalled or stopped vehicles to after-accident car removal. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day (used as the traditional beginning and ending markers of the Summer driving season), AAA expects it will aid nearly 10 million car owners.
Some Common Sense - The Biggest Headaches Are the Most Easily Avoided:
Perhaps the most frustrating of all of the types of roadside headaches that are expected to afflict summer motorists are the types of problems resulting from the direct negligence of the driver’s themselves. Most prevalently, these scenarios related directly to poor maintenance upkeep habits on the part of car owners who are undertaking long trips with inadequately maintained vehicles. “Whether traveling or near home, the best way to avoid your vehicle leaving you stranded is with a little preventative maintenance,” said John Nielsen, AAA director of auto repair and buying services. “Taking care of your vehicle now can not only prevent the hassle of a breakdown, but also can cost far less than a major repair that might be needed if vehicle upkeep is ignored.” That being said, the most easily avoided type of summer road hassle (lost car keys) can be proactively remedied by keeping better care of your car keys and in being sure to maintain a spare key so that you can avoid being in a “lost car key no spare” emergency.

AAA Works Closely With Your Local Trusted Locksmiths:
Should AAA member drivers wind up in a “lost car key no spare” emergency, they will be able to call AAA directly who will assist in coordinating affiliated and registered auto locksmiths who can respond and deliver new replacement or reprogrammed smart keys appropriate for the make and model of the affected vehicles.
Lost car Key NYC – METRO Local Locksmith
June 12, 2014 / admin
Must see, helpful, solid advice for drivers that dealing with a lost car key no spare situations. How you can save time, stress and money with some pointers about car key replacements.How Will You Deal With a Lost Car Key No Spare Situation? Some Quick, Solid Advice That Makes A Lot of Sense:
The Best Policy and Some Interesting Research Data:
Being in a ‘lost car key no spare’ emergency is more than inconvenient; it can be an unexpected, very expensive investment that you may not be equipped to handle. How can you best prepare or buffer yourself for this type of emergency? Your best policy is to try to exercise care and common sense in avoiding the loss of the keys in the first place. Studies have shown that well over a quarter of all drivers have experienced a ‘lost car key no spare’ scenario, much to their chagrin. And in some areas, between 5 to 10 percent of car owners have been victim of car key theft, according to recent insurance provider studies.
How are drivers losing their keys?
What are the usual scenarios? Many people lose their car keys at work, others do so during shopping trips. Trips and journeys for tourism or visiting friends and family round out the normal list of scenarios where it most often happens. For female car owners, having their keys stolen from their purses or personal bags is a prevalent story.
New Technology and Expense:
Advancements in key and car security systems and electronics mean that now, more than ever before, if you are in a “lost car key no spare” emergency, it may be more expensive than ever to replace the missing keys and/or reprogramming the attendant locking and ignition starter technology in your car.
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Your Insurance Policy- Perhaps a Silver Lining You Didn’t Know About?
We recommend being very familiar with your car insurance policy from the get-go, and if possible, when setting up your insurance for your new car, make sure that costs associated with the replacement of a lost car key and or recoding or reprogramming or recoding of your car’s electronic locking system are addressed and covered under the policy you are paying for. After all, you want a policy that really protects you as the car owner, right?

Work With a Reputable Locksmith. Head Off A Lost Key Emergency In Advance:
Better high level car servicers and auto locksmiths now offer key care recovery or replacement services. You register with the companies up front, provide them with the correct key coding and security info they need, so that if you are ever in a ‘lost car key no spare’ situation, your new key is already lined-up and waiting for you, and it can simply be delivered from your trusted auto locksmith services provider. Think and plan in advance so that you can take the bite out of any key emergency.
METRO local locksmith NYC
May 20, 2014 / admin
Many New Yorkers may be lucky enough to get through life without ever needing the services of a professional upper west side locksmith while living in the city. They may be able to go through a series of residences, either owned or rented where there is never a problem with any of the locks or security features associated with the residence, but the realties of life in the big city, especially for any long-term residents of the upper west side, are such that you can expect the need for the occasional services of a locksmith for either a residence or automobile. At the very least, most people have had to get an extra set of keys made before.
A professional upper west side locksmith in NYC probably offers some or all of following services: lock installation, repairing and re-keying locks, making duplicate keys or cards, generating or programming new cards and keys for any locks where the keys and cards may have been lost or stolen, installing deadbolts and other electronic locking devices for the security of homes, businesses, cars, as well as miscellaneous response services for emergency calls at any hour to calls to unlock cars, homes and businesses where the affected owners or personnel are locked out.
An upper west side locksmith in New York City may be called up to handle electronic alarm and surveillance system installation as well. They may need to possess specific design skills and possess a command of a large range of services for electronic access control options including closed circuit television systems known as “CCTV.” With current advancements in computer and networking systems that are to be integrated with traditional locking as well as CCTV systems, the modern-day, 2014 upper west side locksmith is expected to command a range of knowledge and skills like never before. He may have to maintain security hardware and software along with a widely up to date knowledge of computer and IT related issues in addition to his trusty bag of tools, keys and locks. Unlike ever before, the upper west side locksmith is called upon to wear many hats professionally, as a master of these many areas in the field.
Regarding the area of safes: A professional upper west side locksmith may be asked to assist in providing services to sell and install safes for residential or business usage.
Banks and other financial services institutions are prime examples of businesses that have a regular need for services by a trusted locksmith company. Vault access, doors, safety deposit boxes, and time locks are just a few examples here or the type of private financial security services that an upper west side locksmith may encounter in the upper west side market of NYC.
Duplicating keys is one of the major staples of the upper west side locksmith trade. To do this, the key-duplicating machine is the tool of the trade. A customer’s pattern key and a virgin blank (key blank) are both clamped into the machine while the locksmith will activate the machine to move across the master/pattern key.
The cutting rotor blade will carve out the new, duplicate key from the blank, and a good upper west side locksmith worth his or her salt will be sure to test the results or encourage the customer to do the same and to return for any fine tuning if perfect usability results are not achieved on the first cutting. This may often be the case with a locksmith is using a non first generation copy of the original key.
May 17, 2014 / admin
There is rarely a situation more frustrating that when you realize that you’ve left keys locked in car. Retrieving your keys from your locked vehicle becomes your most important task and to do so, you need a partner that is willing and capable of helping you get back on the road fast. While there are several outlets from which to choose in the New York Metropolitan area, one service remains he regions best choice in solving your needs the right way, the first time; Metro Local Locksmith.
The most critical aspect of any locksmith service is the experience and equipment each locksmith brings to the job. An inexperienced locksmith with inadequate tools will not only fail to settle your problem correctly, but the inability to help you will waste time. No one has time to waste when your keys are locked in car, which is why selecting the areas most reputable locksmith services company is so important.
The main issues in getting into your vehicle to retrieve your keys surround the locksmiths ability to negotiate the challenges presented by your vehicle’s locking system. Newer models incorporate technology that demands state-of-the-art locksmith tools to get the job done. Metro Local Locksmith professionals are highly-trained locksmiths and come equipped with tools that are used to retrieve the keys from even the most advanced car locking systems. Customers with transponders and other keyless entry systems are able to be helped by a staff of locksmiths that come prepared for whatever your car manufacturer throws at them. The result is a swift process of getting you back on track immediately.

The experts at Metro Local Locksmith are dedicated toward meaning sure each customer is satisfied throughout the process of solving their locksmith needs. This attention to customer service extends beyond your interaction with one of our highly-trained locksmiths. Our reputation for customer care begins the moment you contact our toll-free hotline at 1-877-LOCAL-20. A courteous customer service agent will field your call ready to record your information and dispatch a locksmith to your location right away. Whether you are stranded at work, at home, anywhere in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, or anywhere in the metropolitan area, we are able to send a helpful locksmith to your precise location to address any and all of your vehicle lock needs.
The next time you are faced with keys locked in car, trust the locksmith service that has built a reputation as the area’s most trusted locksmith services company. Metro Local Locksmith combines quality customer service, expert locksmiths who are all licensed, bonded, and insured, with fast and reliable service to get you on your way in no time at all.
May 3, 2014 / admin
[youtube]Metro Local Locksmith - what to do if you've lost your car keys or locked them in the car.
April 28, 2014 / admin
[youtube]Metro Local Lock smith Car and Automotive Security Services are the specialists in providing superior auto locking services to car owners, mechanics, motor enthusiasts and repairers. We specialise in Automotive Lock repair and service and can recode and repair car door locks and ignitions.
It’s difficult to find an expert car locksmith in NYC during odd hours. is one of the few businesses that offers comprehensive auto locksmith solutions.
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